Help Wanted

We Need You!!

Help wanted!!! Ladies and gentlemen, if you truly love the sport of racquetball, then it is time to step into the service box and prove it. The NCRA Board does a lot of work behind the scenes to support our great sport and we need your help. We currently have only a small number of active board members and the workload that they shoulder is getting increasingly hard to maintain. We need people dedicated to our sport to become Board members and dedicate some of their time and talents to help us carry on this work. If you don’t know what the Board does for you, let me enlighten you. Listed below are some of the things the Board does for NC Racquetball:

  • Run both the State Championship Singles and Doubles
  • Ensures tournament directors have all the sanctioning info required for their tournament and provide other assistance as needed
  • Maintains an active web site
  • Ensures all rankings and results get entered and updated on the web site
  • Tracks memberships
  • Runs a referee certification program
  • Runs the state junior development program
  • Runs the scholarship program
  • Runs the grant program  
  • Maintains financial/accounting info for the NCRA
  • Plans fundraisers for the NCRA

All of these things take time and effort volunteered by the Board members. In order to continue to provide these services and support racquetball in North Carolina, we need additional Board members so that we can more evenly distribute the workload. Board members are not paid though there are some perks provided. Please consider volunteering your time and talents to our great sport by becoming a Board member. You will have the influence to help shape the future of racquetball in North Carolina and the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a difference.


Great, we think you’ll be a great asset to the NCRA Board. We’d like to take this opportunity to share with you what you can expect and what our expectations are.

1. You will need to complete the petition. Make sure all 25 signatures are current NCRA members. Make sure they write their names so they are legible. You will need to submit a short paragraph on why you want to join the Board or attend the meeting when your nomination is brought up to tell us in person why you want to join.

2. You may attend a meeting prior to getting a petition, or after your petition is completed. We suggest you attend a meeting so that you may get a feel for what the Board does, and how it goes about doing NCRA business.

3. NCRA Board Meetings will be held quarterly by conference calls and the annual meeting will be held at the State Singles Championship. Board members are required to attend all board meetings. Failure to attend the minimum number of meetings may result in dismissal from the board. The minimum number will be determined by the Board based on the number of meetings each year.

4. Every Board member is also required to work the State Singles and State Doubles.

5. Each Board member is asked to work on a committee and serve in an active role.

6. We will ask each new Board member their main focus or interest. The Board will endeavor to assign them a committee that matches their interest, however, the Board may ask you to serve in another area of need for a period of time.

To request more information fill in the contact form below.